No.135, Neiding 7th St., Zhongli Dist.,
Taoyuan City 320, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
「遠立行」 成立於西元1983年。
專精於製造最優良的軸承殼與其附屬傳動零件、油封等,多年來GLH已成功的建立起高品質、高性能的產品聲譽。為因應市場的急遽變化及滿足顧客的需求,更致力於產品研發及製程能力的持續改善,並且由OEM型態提昇為日本、澳洲、歐洲、美國等指定之ODM製造廠。我們有優秀的工程師,致力研發新產品與新設計,並有完整系列的軸承殼行銷於各國,及各式 的油封來滿足客戶的需要。
由於我們的努力,「遠立行」 於西元1998年得到ISO-9002的品保認証,更期望我們以高品質、最佳服務與最合理的價錢與您成為好夥伴。
GLH Bearing Housings - the specialist manufacturer for bearing housings
Since 1983, GLH is dedicated to manufacturing the excellent quality bearing housing for the worldwide leading brands. In order to provide the quality more stable and reliable, GLH was awarded ISO 9002 certified in 1998. Now GLH Bearing Housings Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Yuan Li Hang Inducstrial Co.,Ltd , Jilihang Machinery Co.,Ltd and Kingland Industrial Co.,Ltd , has an international reputation as a leading manufacturer of bearing housing for a variety of rotating machinery applications for many industries such like paper milling, mining and steel, petroleum, conveyer, etc , many kind industrial applications.
With many years of proficient and copious of manufacturing experiences and skills , GLH has been to provide its customers with the highest quality of products available, a level of service that will provide its customers with these products in the shortest time possible, and the reliability that it will deliver as promised.
We believe that GLH is not only your trust and reliable supplier, but also your long-term business partner. Choosing GLH will be your essential strategy for you approach absolute advantage and the enduring success.