瑞士智能工具 SIMATEC
以 SIMALUBE、SIMATHERM、SIMATOOL三大品牌,研發創造用於維護軸承的各種產品。SIMATEC致力於為客戶帶來符合現實的優勢,創新的技術簡化了複雜的操作,減少了全球眾多機器維護的工作量。
SIMATEC is a Swiss family-owned company that operates internationally. Since 1983, our motivated employees have been developing and creating innovative products for maintaining roller bearings under the brand names SIMALUBE, SIMATHERM and SIMATOOL.
We at SIMATEC focus on delivering direct customer benefits:
novel technologies allow us to simplify complex operations and reduce the level of maintenance required on thousands of machines the world over.